Replacing the serpentine belt on a Ford F150 requires loosening the serpentine belt tensioner. Nevertheless, depending in your particular model, you will have to take away a number of elements–and use special tools–to take away the belt.
Ford F-150 Serpentine Belt Removal Instructions
1. Park your Ford F150 on a safe place and open the hood.
2. Place a drain pan below the engine within the path of the upper radiator hose, where it connects with the radiator, in case you have the 7.3L engine model. Remove the radiator clamp using a Phillips screwdriver or ratchet and socket. Twist and pull the hose off the radiator fitting. Go to Step 6.
3. Take away the cooling fan mounting bolts using a ratchet and socket when you have a 6.0L engine model. Then take away the four cooling-fan stator mounting bolts using a ratchet and socket and remove the stator. Go to Step 6.
4. Take away the air duct from the air cleaner assembly if you have a 5.4L or 6.8L engine model. Go to Step 6.
5. Remove the fan meeting you probably have a 4.6L engine model. Use special Ford fan instruments 303-240 and 303-239 to take away the fan (see Ideas). Move the fan meeting over the radiator shroud, away from the engine.
6. Take away the serpentine belt from the engine. On the 4.2L engine, rotate the serpentine belt tensioner counterclockwise utilizing a wrench and take away the belt; on the 4.6L engine, rotate the belt tensioner clockwise using a breaker bar with a 1/2 drive and remove the belt; on the 5.4L and 6.8L engines, rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise using a wrench and remove the belt; on the 6.0L engine, rotate the belt tensioner clockwise using a breaker bar with a 1/2 drive and remove the belt; on the 7.3L engine, rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise using a breaker bar with a half drive and take away the belt.
Ford F-150 Serpentine Belt Removal Instructions
1. Route the brand new serpentine belt over the accent pulleys, besides the tensioner pulley, on all engine models. Rotate the tensioner pulley–in the same course you turned it for serpentine belt removal–and slide the belt over the tensioner pulley. Be certain the belt is properly routed and seated on each accessory pulley.
2. Install the fan meeting when you have the 4.6L engine; install the air duct if in case you have the 5.4L or 6.8L engine; set up the cooling-fan stator and fan, if you have the 6.0L engine; and set up the upper radiator hose when you’ve got the 7.3L engine model.
3. Add coolant to the coolant reservoir to convey the extent between the “Add” and “Full Sizzling” marks, if you have the 7.3L engine. Start the engine and let it attain working temperature. Add extra coolant as necessary and switch off the engine.